The report of the UK-led team is to be presented at the next meeting of an internationalcontactgroup on Libya on July 15.
Merkel says tougher sanctions like travel restrictions and asset freezes could follow if Moscow does not take up her proposal of an " internationalcontactgroup".
The InternationalContactGroup, founded in 2005, brings together the U.N. and countries committed to fostering peace in Somalia.
It also said it would consult with the European Union and the InternationalContactGroup on Guinea on any further steps.
Diplomats from an InternationalContactGroup on Somalia met in Cairo to discuss how to stop the fighting and staunch a torrent of refugees.
Another source in the contactgroup also denied the TASS report.
Interior ministers belonging to the "Central Mediterranean contactgroup" met in Switzerland to discuss the crisis.
A contactgroup is an informal grouping of influential countries that have a significant interest in policy developments.
Confirmation that both steps are to proceed as agreed with the six-nation contactgroup last February is welcome.
The contactgroup formed in January, aiming to help create the conditions for Venezuela to emerge from the crisis.
Hague rejected the idea of a contactgroup proposed by Alexander and seen by Labour as successful in Lebanon.
Rice told the council Washington would set up a contactgroup to promote anti-piracy efforts, including through sharing intelligence.
Germany's Angela Merkel and French President Hollande will also meet the pair as part of a four-way contactgroup.
Instead, it requires that you decipher descriptions like "CMP contactgroup on issues relating to joint implementation."
Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said the French contactgroup proposal was not discussed at the Friends of Syria meeting.
Ms Rice told the council Washington would set up a contactgroup to promote anti-piracy efforts, including through sharing intelligence.
Underlining the inherent tensions, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister stayed away from the Cairo meeting of the contactgroup on Monday.
Sieda said the first sign of failure were evident from Saudi Arabia's boycotting of the meeting of Mursi's contactgroup.
A similar Libya contactgroup played a vital role in coordinating Western and Arab aid to that country's rebels last year.
Separatist leaders had planned to hold talks by video-link on Wednesday among the contactgroup members but subsequently cancelled their plans.
Separatist leaders had planned to hold talks by video-link on Wednesday among the contactgroup members but subsequently canceled their plans.